Celebrating Earth Day and the environment

Now is the time to invest in our planet!

Posted by Agnieszka Mrowka on Apr 21, 2022

We all know that the impact on the environment as a result of climate change is just as serious as experts have been warning and these changes can have a significant impact on our everyday lives. You may have seen the devastating images of plastic pollution in the environment, wildfires and unpredictable weather patterns, and with data from the WHO stating that 99% of the world's population is breathing polluted air, we need to protect our planet and start acting responsibly before it is too late. And by us, we mean individuals, communities and businesses - you, me and everyone in between.

Whether they are small or big steps that you are taking, the most significant thing is to take the initiative for a greener future NOW.

Earth Day - how did the journey to a better future begin?


The idea of Earth Day originated in America, with the first event taking place as early as 1970. The initiative was triggered by increasing air pollution in the US at the time, which was a direct result of people consuming huge amounts of leaded gas. What started as an opportunity to educate about environmental issues on campuses, then contributed to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and made Earth Day go global in 1990.

Now, it has been running for over 50 years in over 190 countries, with 1 billion people involved each year. It has become a real phenomenon with a mission "to diversify, educate, and activate the environmental movement worldwide, all year long.".

This year we celebrate Earth Day in April with its leading theme being "Invest In Our Planet". It is all about rethinking the way businesses and individuals take action on the climate to create a better, greener future for the next generations.

For all of us, it should be about changing our everyday habits and taking those small steps for making our lives greener. Nobody is expecting you to become entirely eco-friendly and green right away, but we should all start thinking about being accountable for what we are doing to prevent climate change. There is always room for improvement, so start today! Not sure how? Have a look at a few ideas from Earth Day on how to become greener:

  • be an advocate for environmental activism and climate education - don't be afraid to speak up and share your experiences and thoughts
  • stand against deforestation and plant trees
  • take part in beach cleans or pick up litter while you walk or run, it really is as simple as that
  • consider diet change - go more plant-based and cut down on highly processed food
  • if you can, grow your own garden and leave space for the bees!
  • reduce your plastic consumption - check how you are contributing to plastic pollution with this tool created by Earth Day (here)
  • switch to online billing and opt for paperless communication
  • support organic ingredients and go pesticides-free
  • opt for a reusable water bottle
  • turn off lights when not in use

If you want to get involved with Earth Day, have a look at their action toolkit here

Taking action on climate - what can organisations do?

It is key for organisations to reconsider their actions and take on any eco-friendly activity possible to become greener, as according to Earth Day “a green future is a prosperous future”. That said, these actions should be part of a wider plan, not just a one-off.

According to Earth Day, we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably) to create a real partnership for the planet.

It has been proven that organisations that are both green and profitable have developed really strong Environment Social Governance standards, and in turn, saw increased financial profits and overall happier employees.

So, what can an organisation introduce to become more environmentally friendly?

  • organising local clean-ups is a good idea; allowing a day out for your employees will also create a great sense of community within the company
  • investing in green energy is also a great way to contribute; consider solar panels or an electric vehicles fleet,
  • set clear environmental targets, it is easier to work towards them when they are on your agenda

As part of KCS Group staff have been collecting crisps packages to be recycled. This scheme has contributed to raising over £28k for charity. Additionally, we are very proud to be sponsoring the Green School Awards again this year, to support and celebrate young people and school children in Kent. The awards have been created to highlight creativity and green initiatives while building a more conscious generation of eco-warriors.

Looking for environmentally friendly solutions for your public sector organisation? Have a look at what our frameworks can offer:

  • Electric Vehicle Charging Points and Associated Services - as the UK has aimed at reaching carbon net-zero by 2050, it is highly recommended to start looking at electric vehicles.
  • Waste Management Services - provides access to suppliers who can help you get on top of your recycling efforts and rethink your waste. The services include managing all sorts of waste from general, medical to even hazardous. Effective management of recycling is key to reducing plastic and general pollution, as well as saving wildlife.

Want to know more?

Contact our team on 08008 2819439 or psframeworks@csltd.org.uk or follow us on LinkedIn

We hope that this post has inspired you to contribute to the positive change and take part in some of the initiatives from Earth Day.

Thank you for reading!

KCS Procurement Services team

Earth Day 2022 https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2022/
Earth Day history https://www.earthday.org/history/
Earth Day tips https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-tips/
United Nations News https://news.un.org/en/news/topic/climate-change