MiX Telematics Europe Limited

With MiX Telematics, founded in 1996 in South Africa, we have successfully delivered Software as a Service (SaaS) for SME & large enterprise fleets and globally have a strong footprint within the service, transport & logistics and bus & coach industries. Following the pandemic, organisations have been severely affected with driver retention and are looking for solutions that can help with improving driver and passenger safety as well as improving vehicle performance. This helps increase their bottom line as well retaining their staff (and where relevant, passenger experience) to the highest level.

We encourage organisations having employees where driving is one of their required roles to consciously manage driver styles and routes taken, as these areas need to be considered to further benefit a business’ bottom line through reduced fuel usage and accident damage to vehicles.

person_outline Carl McFarlane - Enterprise Account Manager

email carl.mcfarlane@mixtelematics.com

call 0121 717 5360

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